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Golf de St Genis
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Le Golf de St Genis ouvre ses portes le samedi 15 Février 2025

Horaires d'ouverture : Du lundi au Dimanche de 9h30 à 16h30
(Nouveaux horaires à partir de Mars)

Le restaurant sera ouvert à partir du 15 Mars

En devenant Membre sur le 9 trous au Golf de St Genis, vous bénéficiez de cours collectifs à volonté tout au long de la saison selon un planning qui vous sera donné au fil des mois!
Renseignements au secrétariat du Golf

Comment faire une réservation en ligne?

- Tout d'abord, connectez-vous sur le site de réservation en cliquant ici 

- Entrez vos identifiants
"Nom" : Tapez votre nom de famille (et uniquement le nom de famille), sans majuscule et sans accent!
"Mot de passe" : votre mot de passe est votre numéro de licence sans espace (Suite de 9 chiffres)
Si votre numéro de licence ne comporte que 8 chiffres, mettre un 0 (zéro) devant!
Bien penser à enregistrer vos codes d'accès en cochant la case "Se Souvenir de moi"

- Une fois rentré sur le site de réservation, choisissez la date puis valider en cliquant sur "Rechercher"

- Choisissez votre créneau! Avant validation, vous pourrez choisir de jouer 9 ou 18 trous et vous pourrez rajouter des "Amis" dans votre partie!

Si besoin, le secrétariat pourra vous aider à gagner en autonomie!!!

Vous pouvez dès à présent réserver vos cours de Golf auprès de votre Pro!

Tarifs 2025
Je suis Débutants... Voir plus
Je veux progresser... Voir plus


Reprise des Cours pour la 2ème partie de la saison le samedi 15 Mars et le mercredi 19 Mars 2025

Toutes les dates (Pâques et été) et tous les renseignements : Cliquez ICI


Suivez nos dernières actus sur les réseaux sociaux!


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HiveMind has been constructed with an assortment of 17 module positions. These module positions are fully collapsible meaning that if there are no modules published in particular area, that module area will not be shown. This provides you with the maximum amount of flexibility possible.

Module Positions

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RokZoom is a custom ground up script written in motools 1.1+ that has the features of slimbox with an exciting zoom effect transition to give your image galleries and popups an added flair. HiveMind fully integrates the JavaScript and the CSS for RokZoom so all you have to do to utilize this technique is install the RokZoom mambot and add an extra element to your image link.

Check out the demo below:

sample image1 sample image1 sample image3 sample image4 sample image5 sample image6 sample image7 sample image8

The Syntax

Below is the HTML syntax that you will have to use. Simply place this into your articles.

<a href="images/stories/colorado/image1.jpg" 
rel="rokzoom[colroado]" title="Image 1">
<img src="images/stories/colorado/image1_tn.jpg" 
alt="image1" class="album" />

An exemplified preview is constructed below to aid your understanding of the HTML format of rokzoom

<a href="main image url(relative path)" 
rel="rokzoom[album name]" title="Title">
<img src="thumbnail url(relative)" 
alt="Image name" class="album" />

RokZoom - The Guide

How to implement RokZoom

RokZoom galleries or single images can be inserted in Content and Custom modules. By utilising a few simple commands, you can easily insert a gallery onto your page.

Step 1 - Login

Login to the Joomla! Administration Control Panel. Go to Enter the Administrator's Username and password.


Step 2 - Navigation

Navigate to the Article Manager. Once you have logged in, hover over the Content link on the top taskbar, scroll down to Article Manager.


Step 3 - Article Content Manager

When you have selected the Article Manager link, you will be sent to the Article Manager control panel. Select either Edit or New, depending on whether you want to add rokzoom to an existing or new item.

Step 4 - RokZoom Commands

You now need to enter the syntax into your content editor. This should resemble the screenshot below. The syntax, in both HTML can be found at the section located here.

The Examples

RokZoom For the examples of the rokzoom command, all images are located within the directory images/stories/photos. If we wanted to load image1.jpg by itself, we would enter:
<a href="images/stories/photos/image1.jpg" 
rel="rokzoom[colroado]" title="Image 1">
<img src="images/stories/colorado/image1_tn.jpg" 
alt="image1" class="album" /></a>

RokZoom If we wanted to load photo1.jpg, photo2.jpg and photo3.jpg as part of an album, we would use the following syntax:
<a href="images/photos/image1.jpg" 
rel="rokzoom[photo]" title="Image 1">
<img src="images/photos/image1_tn.jpg" 
alt="image1" class="album" />

<a href="images/photos/image2.jpg" rel="rokzoom[photo]" title="Image 1">
<img src="images/photos/image2_tn.jpg" alt="image1" class="album" />

<a href="images/stories/photos/image3.jpg" rel="rokzoom[photo]" title="Image 1">
<img src="images/stories/photos/image3_tn.jpg" alt="image1" class="album" />

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HiveMind's clean and subtle design featuring both a light and dark design style. Also included are 5 distinct menu styles and several module variations that will work with both light and dark variations, allowing you to mix and match your styles as you choose. Both light and dark designs allow you to easily use any colors you wish for your links and header text, creating your own colour schemes and highlighting important and unique content has never been easier. You can use HiveMind's light and dark styles by specifying it in the template's "index.php" file on the following line
$default_style = "light"; [light... dark]

The light and dark styles are featured below, click on the thumbnails to load the color scheme and see it in action.

Light Dark

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HiveMind continues the chain of impressive, revolutionary, yet functional RocketTheme templates. It combines incredible styling with refined and powerful code to help your website achieve its maximum potential.

  • Preset Style Options
    HiveMind includes both a light and dark color style for you to use on your site along with a plethora of different hilites for your modules. Five distinct menu styles also allow for nice flexiblity of your site's look and feel.
  • 5 Menu Style Options
    HiveMind includes five different menu styles for you to use on your site, giving you total control on how you want your menu to look.
  • Integrated RokSlide Tabbed Modules
    You will observe that the modular positions, User7 through User 11 are contained within what appears to be RokSlide. In HiveMind, the RokSlide effect/functionality has been integrated directly into the template, providing a sleek stylish approach for extra modules, allowing you to created tabbed modules and tabbed module groups.
  • RokHeadRotator
    RokHeadRotator is a new custom mootools image rotator that displays your images in a beautiful crossblending fashion. The RokHeadRotator also includes small buttons allowing your visitors to toggle through the different images or pause the display. See it in action on the home page of the demo.
  • Stylish Typography
    HiveMind includes professionally styled typography to bring that extra element to your content. Choose from several typography options including various list styles which not only can have their colours easily changed from the CSS, but also will work anywhere in your template body including modules using a suffix.
  • Versatile Layout
    HiveMind allows you to switch the side column to either be on the left or right side to suit your preference as well as set the overall width of your site.
  • 17 Module Positions
    With a Module Position count of 17, as well as support for many more using the new tabbed module functionality, you will be able create a wide variety of layout options and methods for presenting your site's content.
  • Menu Extravaganza
    The new RokMooMenu is now accompanied by its predecessor, Suckerfish in a toggle option so you can easier interchange for maximum compatibility. The popular and versatile SplitMenu is also availble and can be seen in action on this demo by default. 5 Distinct menu styles are included for both light and dark variations and will work with either RokMooMenu, Suckerfish, or Splitmenu menu configurations.

Joomla 1.5 Native

A Joomla 1.5 native version of HiveMind is available. The front-end of your site will be the same as HiveMind 1.0.x but Joomla 1.5 allows for the option of back-end parameters. Therefore, all the index.php configurable options are easily accessible in the Joomla 1.5 administrator. Simply go to Admin -> Extensions -> rt_hivemind_j15 -> Edit. All the options will appear in the right column such as the transition type for RokMooMenu.

Pour nous contacter, plusieurs possibilités :

- Par mail : Cliquez ici

- Informations sur le Golf de St Genis :
 +33 450 42 16 48

- Informations sur les cours de Golf :
 +33 689 52 1995

Copyright © 2014 - Albatros Golf Academy