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- Tout d'abord, connectez-vous sur le site de réservation en cliquant ici 

- Entrez vos identifiants
"Nom" : Tapez votre nom de famille (et uniquement le nom de famille), sans majuscule et sans accent!
"Mot de passe" : votre mot de passe est votre numéro de licence sans espace (Suite de 9 chiffres)
Si votre numéro de licence ne comporte que 8 chiffres, mettre un 0 (zéro) devant!
Bien penser à enregistrer vos codes d'accès en cochant la case "Se Souvenir de moi"

- Une fois rentré sur le site de réservation, choisissez la date puis valider en cliquant sur "Rechercher"

- Choisissez votre créneau! Avant validation, vous pourrez choisir de jouer 9 ou 18 trous et vous pourrez rajouter des "Amis" dans votre partie!

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Voir les Dates du mois d'Avril


Reprise des Cours le samedi 31 Septembre 2024!
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The demo for HiveMind utilises a large stock of custom code and styling to make the most of every content item and show what HiveMind can do. This basically means that the HTML used in the custom modules and content have customisations which employ the characteristics of the template to make the "perfect" content.

This demo content section will take you through some of the content areas and general techniques used to further your understanding and help you realise the true potential of HiveMind. If you would like to quickly deploy a replica of our HiveMind demo for a new Joomla site, be sure to check out our åRocketLauncher package.

Tabbed Modules

HiveMind features an exciting new RokSlide powered tabbed module system. It is designed to allow you to publish your modules into the designated locations, creating tabs for each module position which you can customise. Currently, HiveMind uses the User10-15 module positions for your tabs plus other module positions. By default, Joomla does not include these module positions, so these must be created in the Joomla admin.

They can easily be created in your Joomla administrator by going to Site > Template Manager > Module Positions In the first available "empty" module position fields, type in the name "user10" in one, and "user11" in another. Next, click Save in the top right corner. Now, you will be able to utilise the "User10" and "User11" module positions when assigning your module's positions in the Module Manager. Do the same for User12, User13 and User14 and User15.

Read More Buttons

Read more buttons are automatically generated for content items that use the intro and main text option. However, you can easily insert them manually as witnessed on this demo. Use the following code:
<a href="your_link" class="readon">Read More...</a>

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A guide to implementing the included HiveMind typography styles and elements into your site as well as instructions for inserting typography using the HTML editor option of your WYSIWYG editor.

Every RocketTheme template has its own set of content styles, these styles are known as Typography. Typography can come in a number of varying and diverse formats, ranging from simple text modifications to image insertions to improve the look, layout of your website and give it life. This tutorial will take you through the necessary steps to adding typography to your Joomla! content.

Inserting Typography with the HTML Editor

To insert the Typography into your content, you must use the HTML feature of all Joomla! content editors. The following tutorial will outline the steps in which to does this with the default Joomla! content edit, TinyMCE. Please be aware, even though there are other content editors available, all are basically the same and the steps with be just as effective if you are using another Content editor.

Please note that the following tutorial will show you how to insert HTML (typography) into Articles, the same procedure is apparent for Custom modules. You may skip steps 4 and 5 if you are using No WYSIWYG editor.

Step 1 - Login

Login to the Joomla! Administration Control Panel. Go to Enter the Administrator's Username and password.

Step 2 - Navigation

Navigate to the Article Manager. Once you have logged in, hover over the Content link on the top taskbar, scroll down to Article Manager.

Step 3 - Article Manager

When you have selected the Article Manager link, you will be sent to the Article Manager control panel. Select either Edit (after selecting a particular content item) or New, depending on whether you want to add typography to an existing or new item.

Step 4 - HTML Icon

To add typography to your content, you must enter the HTML mode of your Content editor. In the TinyMCE editor, this an icon called "HTML", in some other content editors, it is a tab. Press the icon to enter HTML mode. This step is not necessary if you are using No WYSIWYG editor (similarly with Step5)

Step 5 - HTML Mode

A popup shall appear with your content in HTML format, only if you are using TinyMCE, with other editors, a new tab may become selected. You shall do all your editing here for typography.

Step 6 - Inserting HTML

You then proceed to add your HTML coding into the tab/textbox that appears in front of you. This can be any HTML such as span class typography or styled lists.
You will not see the effects in the content editor, all style affects are only visible on the Frontend of your Joomla! website.

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The following is a step by step guide to customising your HiveMind logo image by replacing the logo text with your own organization or company's name and logo.

In order to utilise the Fireworks Source PNG included with the HiveMind template release, you will need Adobe Fireworks. The 30-day free trial of this software as well as more information is available here at the Adobe website.

Customising Your Logo

One of the first steps of customising your new HiveMind template will undoubtedly be altering the logo text to reflect the name of your company / organization. RocketTheme makes this process a simple one by including both the Source PNG for the template, as well as font(s) used.

The most effective way to customise the logo is to use the included Source PNG file. When opened in Adobe Fireworks, this file contains all of the Layers in the design allowing you to tweak and change any of the image elements of the template design. The following steps will help you quickly get your new logo ready to go:

Step 1

First, open the header Source PNG file in Adobe Fireworks (source_main.png). On the right side, you will notice a taskbar named Layers. Inside this column, a list of elements within the source will appear, dividied into folders. The first is Web Layers which controls the green slices on the page that are used to export the images. Click the eye which is immediately left to the folder name Web Layers to make it invisible. This allows use to edit the logo.


Step 2

Next, double click on the logo which should be position in top-centre. This will activate the text tool so you can edit the element. Highlight the entire text box with your cursor and type your text instead(such as your company name.)
Enact the same procedure onto the slogan text below the log itself

Step 3

Once you have edited the logo to your personal preference, you will need to activate the logo area slice. On the right column where the Web layers area is, we need to reactivate it. As you did in the initial step, select the eye icon to make it visible and subsequently making the slices visible on the canvas. Select the logo slice, either on the canvas itself or in the Web Layers folder.


Step 4

To export your logo, right click on the green slice that is situated above your new logo. A popup menu should appear with numerous options. The value we want to deal with is "Export Selected Slice...". As the name suggests, this option will export/save this slice only out of the entire source window.


Step 5

If you are new to Fireworks, you may be wondering why it appears that there is only one style variation in the source. This is not the case as we take advantage of the Frame features of Fireworks. You need to simply switch frames to see all the other style variation sources.

There are a few ways to change frames and we will show 2 methods that you can use.

In the right column where you find the Layers toolbar including the Web Layers area, you should see another tab/toolbar named Frames. Just left click on the title Frames to enter the frames area. Then you can click on either of the frames which are named to show which style variant is on that particular frame.


The second method is the most easiest and simplistic. At the bottom of the Fireworks canvas is a row of buttons, arrows just as previous and next. Select the arrows to switch between frames.


Step 6

Once you have successfully edited then exported your new logo, you will need to upload it to your server. This process is best done via a FTP client such as Filezilla

  1. Open your FTP client on your local computer.
  2. Login to your web server where HiveMind is installed.
  3. Navigate to the /templates/rt_hivemind_j15/images/style# directory.
  4. Upload logo.png to this directory (You may need to browse on the local panel in the FTP client to find where you have exported your logo).
  5. Clear your browser cache before viewing such as using the keyboard commands on Windows, Ctrl+F5.
Ensure that you are uploading the correct logo to avoid confusion if it does not change. Also take into account hosting permissions. Sometimes, hosters which are not designed for Joomla may have permissions not suited for the setup, thus, the upload will not be complete. In this case, contact your hosting provider.

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A guide to the basic HiveMind customisation options that can be configured in the the Joomla Administrator console.


The PNGfix

You can turn off or on the pngfix with this setting. More info at our Tutorial Site.

Font Spans

With the following setting enabled, you can have multi-colored headers.


You can have different font styles by setting this to true.


With the following setting, you can choose what font you would like sifr to display.

Font Family

You can choose which font you would like to use for your titles.

Sidebar Width

With the following setting, you can choose the width of the sidebar.

Sidebar Location

With this setting, choose to have the sidebar placed on the left or right of the mainbody. The name of the module positions changes to reflect left or right.

Menu Style

HiveMind has 5 different looks for your menu that you can choose from in the configuration.

Default Font

Based on your own personal preference, you can set the default font size.

Font Buttons

You can enable or disable the font sizer buttons that will display at the top of the template.

Show Pathway

This setting controls whether the pathway appears on your site.

Module Slider

There is now a convenient toggle to show the tabbed modules or not.

Module List

With the setting illustrated below, you can control the aspects of the integrated rokslide feature to a great extent. You can control the tab title and also the module position which appears in each of the tabs.

In the code snippet, we have 5 lines, each line controls a single tab. Each line is segregated into 2 distinct parts. These are Tab Title, which controls the Tab Title. The second part is Module Position.

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Learn all about the exciting new RocketTheme exclusive modules that are included in the HiveMind template release. Here you can find instructions for installation and configuration for each of the custom modules.

Step One: Installing the Module

  • Download the archive from the HiveMind download section of the RocketTheme Joomla! Club. Unzip the archive, inside you will find individual zip files for each of the modules.
  • Login in to your administrator console on your Joomla! website and navigate to the Extensions menu item, and select Install/Uninstall from the dropdown menu.
  • In the Upload Package File section, click the Choose File button and select one of the that was inside of the zip file you downloaded earlier. Next click the Upload File & Install button to install the module.

Step Two: Publishing the Module

  • Now the module is installed it must be published in the appropriate module position and configured to suit our needs. From the top menu, select Extensions then Module Manager.
  • This will take you to the Site Module Manager which allows you to configure the placement and configuration of all modules in your Joomla! website.
  • Locate the module from the list. Remember there could be a few pages. Once you have found it, you can publish in 2 ways: The first is selecting the cross next to the tile or clicking the title then set Enabled to Yes followed by a Save.


The RokHeadRotator is a simple module based on mootools that finds images in a defined directory and rotates between them using a crossblend effect. The module configuration parameters are listed below:
  • Module Suffix Enter a Module Class Suffix or leave empty.
  • Include Mootools JS Library: Set to no unless using a template which doesn't have mootools already being called
  • Images Directory This is the path to the folder where the RokHeadRotator will pull your images from.
  • ALT Tag Enter the ALT tag to use for your displayed images.
  • Images Directory This is where the RokHeadRotator will pull your images from.
  • Images Start Choose which image you would like to show first.
  • Auto Play Select whether you want the rotator to start when the page loads.
  • Sort Criteria Choose to display your images alphabetically or by the date they were created.
  • Sort Order Choose to display images by ascending or descending order.
  • Manual Sort Order Enter your manual sort settings here.
  • Image Duration Shows how long an image is displayed.
  • Transitions Duration Shows how long the crossblend transition is between images.

Integrated RokSlide Tabbed Modules

For HiveMind, we have integrated RokSlide into the core of the template so you have the RokSlide functionality in terms of tabs with stylish transitional effects with the modular layout of the template.

RokSlide by default has 5 tabs available. Each tab has a module position ranging from User12 to User16, respective to the individual tab. Therefore, you have a single modular position per tab but you have the option of applying multiple modules to a single position. For example, you can assign 3 modules to the User12 position and they will appear in a horizontal layout in Tab 1.


Configuration of the integrated RokSlide itself is controlled in the Administrator at Admin -> Extensions > Template Manager > HiveMind
In the configuration panel, we have 5 groups, each groups controls a single tab. Each group is segregated into 2 distinct parts. These are Tab Title which controls the Tab Title. The second part is Tab Module

Module Slider Height

You will see in the above screenshot, the Module slide height settings. Similarly with the module count In addition to setting the module slider height in the parameters, you will also need to specify a height for the #moduleslider-size in the "template_css.css" as well to ensure that the module slider shows at the proper size.
#moduleslider-size {
	height: 250px;

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