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Golf de St Genis
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- Practice fermé le lundi jusqu'à 12h
- Secrétariat ouvert tous les jours de 9h à 19h
- Restaurant ouvert tous les jours sauf le lundi

En devenant Membre au Golf de St Genis, vous bénéficiez de cours collectifs à volonté tout au long de la saison selon un planning qui vous sera donné au fil des mois!
Renseignements au secrétariat du Golf

Compétitions de Classement sur 9 trous
Venez participer à nos Compétitions de Classement sur 9 trous pour baisser votre handicap et faire des rencontres!!
Dates possible ICI

Comment faire une réservation en ligne?

- Tout d'abord, connectez-vous sur le site de réservation en cliquant ici 

- Entrez vos identifiants
"Nom" : Tapez votre nom de famille (et uniquement le nom de famille), sans majuscule et sans accent!
"Mot de passe" : votre mot de passe est votre numéro de licence sans espace (Suite de 9 chiffres)
Si votre numéro de licence ne comporte que 8 chiffres, mettre un 0 (zéro) devant!
Bien penser à enregistrer vos codes d'accès en cochant la case "Se Souvenir de moi"

- Une fois rentré sur le site de réservation, choisissez la date puis valider en cliquant sur "Rechercher"

- Choisissez votre créneau! Avant validation, vous pourrez choisir de jouer 9 ou 18 trous et vous pourrez rajouter des "Amis" dans votre partie!

Si besoin, le secrétariat pourra vous aider à gagner en autonomie!!!

Vous pouvez dès à présent réserver vos cours de Golf auprès de votre Pro!

Tarifs 2024
Je suis Débutants... Voir plus
Je veux progresser... Voir plus

Envie d'avoir une correction sur le Practice ET sur le parcours??
Nous vous proposons nos mini-stages de 3h (1h de practice + 2h parcours accompagné) tout au long de la saison
Voir les Dates du mois d'Avril


Reprise des Cours le samedi 31 Septembre 2024!
Dossier d'inscription avec toutes les infos : Télécharger


Suivez nos dernières actus sur les réseaux sociaux!


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The following is a guide that covers how to set up your new HiveMind template on your Joomla site. Here you can find an overview of the files included in the HiveMind release and instructions on installing and activating the template in your Joomla install.

Video Tutorial Currently Available!
Launch the Joomla Template Installation Video Tutorial now! (Requires Flash)

Downloading the HiveMind Files

The first step is to download all of the files that will be needed to install your template, custom modules, as well make modifications. Here is a quick explanation of each of the available files in the HiveMind release.
  • HiveMind Template (rt_hivemind_j15.tgz) This file is the template package you will use to install your template into Joomla.
  • HiveMind Custom Extensions ( This package contains each of the individual custom extensions included in the HiveMind template release.
  • HiveMind Source PNG's ( This zip contains the source png's for making modifications and customizations to the images in the template as well as the logo font. There are additional sources for the transparent background, buttons, typography and headers. You will need an image editing software (preferably Adobe/Macromedia Fireworks) to utilize the Source PNG files.

Step 1 - Using the Joomla installer

Go to your Admin control panel for your site. In the Menu at the top, go to Extensions -> Install/Uninstall. Next browse for your rt_hivemind_j15.tgz file you downloaded and then click Upload File & Install. Now HiveMind is installed and in your template list. You should observe an introductory page in which you select Continue.

Joomla Template Install

Step 2 - Making HiveMind your default template

Next, from your admin control panel, go to Extensions -> Template Manager. This will pull up the list of your installed templates. Find HiveMind on the list and select the radio button to the left and then click Default up in the top right corner. Now HiveMind is set as your default template. If you view your site, you should see the HiveMind template up and running. Joomla Template Install

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HiveMind features the exciting and exclusive RokMooMenu system for the ultimate in menu functionality and style, as well as the popular and reliable RTSplitMenu. An option for Suckerfish is also included. Here you can read an overview of the HiveMind menu configuration options.

Video Tutorial Currently Available!
Launch the Joomla Menu Setup Video Tutorial now! (Requires Flash)

Selecting your Menu Style

HiveMind allows you to choose from 3 menu options:

  • RokMooMenu - The exciting new menu system based on the ever popular Suckerfish menu style, featuring mootools powered transitions and effects.
  • Suckerfish - The versatile dropdown menu is now an option in combination with RokMooMenu to minimise library conflicts.
  • SplitMenu - Then venerable SplitMenu is a solid choice for navigation. It works by rendering the top-level menu options horizontally, and the submenu/child items are rendered in a module on the side.

You can designate which menu style you want to use on your site with a single control in the template's Admin interface at Admin > Extensions > Template Manager > HiveMind


5 Menu Styles

Ensure that you are using the module class suffix of -menu. Place this in the Module Class Suffix field within Admin -> Extensions -> Module Manager -> MainMenu.

HiveMind has been designed with menu structure in mind. It exhibits 5 difference and distinct menu styles that are configurable. You can dramatically change the appearance of your entire website with just a menustyle switch. The menu styling is replicated in the splitmenu and the mainmenu (to a lesser extent) to create a consistent style.

You can designate which menu style you want to use on your site with a single control in the template's Admin interface at Admin > Extensions > Template Manager > HiveMind

  • MenuStyle1 - a dark, streamlined, slightly graded menu with rounded extremities.
  • MenuStyle2 - a graded, bar with larger rounded extremities.
  • MenuStyle3 - a light, tab based menu.
  • MenuStyle4 - a basic, text based menu.
  • MenuStyle5 - a basic, text based menu with segregating dividers

MenuStyle 1

MenuStyle1 is the darkest of the menu styles with a slight graded background to the menus with an overall streamlined approach. The extremities of the menu bar are encompassed by rounded tabs.

MenuStyle1 MenuStyle1

MenuStyle 2

MenuStyle2 is similar to the first style with its graded background and rounded tabs encompassing the menu bar. However, the gradient is more apparent which is visually soft and the overall size is much taller.

MenuStyle2 MenuStyle2

MenuStyle 3

MenuStyle3 is the most graphically elaborate menu option with subtle tabs with circular vectors beneath which provides an unorthodox menu styling approach.

MenuStyle3 MenuStyle3

MenuStyle 4

MenuStyle4 is the most basic of all the menu styles with the main usage of text with background distinctions for active menu items.

MenuStyle4 MenuStyle4

MenuStyle 5

MenuStyle5 is similar to menu style 4, apart from the text segments of the menu bar being segregated by thin, vertical borders.

MenuStyle5 MenuStyle5

The Powerful & Popular RokMooMenu

Making its return this month is the immensely popular RokMooMenu. This menu has been developed from scratch using the latest and greatest MooTools JavaScript framework. The RokMooMenu is a highly advanced and fully customizable menu system. Some of the great features include:
  • Hover support for IE6 using the sfHover javascript class just like in Suckerfish.
  • Fully degradable to standard SuckerFish menu if javascript is not supported.
  • Configurable mouse-out delay to allow for accidental mousing out of the menu.
  • Completely customizable animation effects using MooTools transitions. Can be configured in X and/or Y directions.
  • Support for fade-in transparency
  • Experimental support for IE6 z-index bug using the iFrame hack.
An example configuration as used in the demo:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
new Rokmoomenu($E(''), {
bgiframe: false,
delay: 500,
animate: {
props: ['opacity', 'width', 'height'],
opts: {
fps: 100,
transition: Fx.Transitions.Expo.easeOut

Menu Settings

  • Bgiframe - Can be true or false. Only turn on if you are having problems with IE and z-index. This feature is experimental.
  • Delay - Defaults to 500ms. This is the how long you can mouse off the menu before it vanishes.
  • Props - These are the properties that will be applied to the menu. Can be any combination of opacity, width, height. The two properties, width and height are affected by the transition defined in opts.
  • Duration - the time in ms the animation will run for.
  • Fps - speed of the animation - leave at 100 for best results.
  • Transitions - any of the available MooTools transitions. See below for more details.
    For example, "Bounce.easeIn or Bounce.easeOut or Bounce.easeInOut" produce a bouncing effect.
moo-config For more details with diagrams, visit the Mootools documentation site

Creating dropdown menus for RokMooMenu and Suckerfish

To have specific menu items appear as sub items, you must assign them to the specific navigation item in which they will originate from. The following tutorial will show you how simple it is to create your ideal menu system.

Step 1 - Navigation

Once you have logged into the Joomla! Administration Area, you must navigate to the Menu area. Hover over the Menu item in the taskbar to show the dropdown menu. For this example, we are going into the mainmenu but the technique is exactly the same for all menus in the Administrative area.

Step 2 - The Menu Manager

You will then be transported to the Menu Manager for mainmenu. At this point, you can do 2 things. The first is to edit an existing menu item, which we will be doing in this tutorial or create a New menu item to be subordinate to an existing item. Click on the item you want to be part of the dropdown menu.

Step 3 - Assigning a Parent Item

You can now assign the content item to the mainmenu item in which you want to be in the dropdown menu. Identify the "Parent Item" section of the manager. You will select the item in which you wish to be the parent and the source of the dropdown menu. In this example, we have selected "Home".

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Custom Modules
Custom Modules

Learn all about the included HiveMind custom modules and how to configure them for your site. Read More...

Menu Options
Menu Options

An overview of the HiveMind menu options including the top menu icon configuration. Read More...


A guide to the basic HiveMind customization options that can be configured within the template "index.php" file. Read More...

Using Typography

A guide to using the included the HiveMind typography styles in your site. Read More...


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- Par mail : Cliquez ici

- Informations sur le Golf de St Genis :
 +33 450 42 16 48

- Informations sur les cours de Golf :
 +33 689 52 1995

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